articles-in-english Perhaps you don't really want to sleep, hence your insomnia. Some people unconsciously love their insomnia more than their sleep. They would like to feel rested in the morning, but they are reluctant to surrender to the arms of Morpheus. Their lack of sleep is the smokescreen that hides the elephant in the (bed)room.
articles-in-english My interview with Ben Grosser Minus is a social network and an artistic experimentation questionning social media platforms and users. It is designed to reduce engagement.
social media Have You Noticed That Time Is Now Vertical? You thought that Time was linear, or perhaps cyclical, well think again! Ever since the smartphone era, Time has become vertical. And it changes everything.
english Screen Smart Sam by Nicole Rawson Nicole Rawson's children's book Screen Smart Sam helps raise awareness about screen addiction. Parents and kids can share quality time and talk about this crucial topic while reading it together.